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Keep Those College Students Coming In
The right offer goes to the right customer
Carefully balanced for the college ecosystem
Campus Area Merchants
Increase your business's performance by increasing transactions and reducing sales cannibalization with FlockTAG’s proven intelligent marketing tools.
College Students Benefit
Give Smart Offers that your customers will love! Delivered straight to their mobile device when they are nearby.
College Market Expertise
We know the College Market. College students' preferences change quickly and student turnover happens every four years. Our data algorithms are tuned to the specific needs of campus area merchants and college students.
How it Works
You set up your account
Set up Your Loyalty Reward and Smart Offers.
We analyze your customers
FlockTAG analyzes your local market in order to match the right offers to the right customer.
We send out your Smart Offers automatically
FlockTAG sends out your Smart Offers via Text Message, Email and Push Notification when customers are nearby and hungry.
Customers shop more
Customers shop at FlockTAG businesses more, driving up your transaction count and average tickets.
FlockTAG Increases Transactions by 101%
This graph shows the cumulative visits for two sets of FlockTAG Cardholders: those who received FlockTAG deals during the period and those who did not. 500 random users were chosen for each group and each group had identical usage prior to deals being offered. The numbers reveal that FlockTAG deal recipients make 101% more visits over the 10 month period than do customers who do not receive FlockTAG deals. During this period, deal recipients received deals monthly, every other month, or only once depending on their individual buying preferences. All deals were delivered via SMS text and/or Push Notification.
Your Success Starts Here